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Powerful typography

Powerful typography

  • Ability to change font size and line height.
  • Changing fonts (40 Google fonts to choose from).
  • Customizable color typography for posts and pages.

Ability to change font size and line height

Key elements have their own font size and line height settings. And also changing the font.

Changing fonts

Here is a list of available fonts to choose from:

Amatic SC (italic), Arimo, Bad Script (italic), Bellota (italic), Bitter, Caveat (italic), Charis SIL, Comfortaa (italic), Cormorant Infant, Cousine, Cuprum, El Messiri, Exo 2, Fira Sans, Inter, Jost, Lobster (italic), Lora, Marck-script (italic), Merriweather, Montserrat, Neucha (italic), Noto Sans, Nunito, Open Sans, Oswald, Overpass, Pacifico (italic), Pangolin (italic), Philosopher, Play (defoult), PT Sans Narrow, Raleway, Roboto, Roboto Slab, Rubik, Spectral SC, Ubuntu, Underdog (italic), Viaoda Libre (italic), Yanone Kaffeesatz

Customizable color typography for posts and pages

You can enable color typography, for pages only, for posts only, or for pages and posts.


Screenshots of numbered lists:

Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography

You can customize the colors of the numbered list items


Screenshots of bulleted Lists:

Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography

You can customize the color of bulleted list items


Screenshots of some header design examples:

Changed the background and text color of the H2 header

Powerful typography

Changed the background color and text of the H2 header, as well as the font

Powerful typography


H2 headings variation – Light underlining

Powerful typography

Changed line, background and text color, as well as the font

Powerful typography


H2 headings variation – Side border

Powerful typography

Changed line, background and text color

Powerful typography


H2 headings variation – With icon selection

We have prepared the most versatile icons for you to choose from

Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography Powerful typography  Powerful typography Powerful typographyPowerful typography

And here we have increased the line height

Powerful typography


H2 headings variation – With arbitrary value

You can enter an arbitrary value. This gives even more flexibility for specifying the selector

Here we have written a selector, changed the text and background color of the selector, the text and background color of the header, and the font

Powerful typography


H2 headings variation – With numbering

You can use headers as lists!

Numbering is created automatically, depending on the number of headings in the body of the article.

You can change the “Par.” selector. As well as the color of the text and background of the selector.

Powerful typography


Live demonstration of titles (depending on the settings of the current demo version)

Heading H2

Heading H3

Heading H4

Heading H5
Heading H6

For headings H3-H6 the same settings! But additionally, it is possible to specify the text size for each.

Powerful typography


Screenshots of some quotes design examples:

Powerful typography

Powerful typography

Powerful typography

Powerful typography

Powerful typography

Powerful typography

Powerful typography

Powerful typography

Powerful typography

Powerful typography

Powerful typography

Powerful typography

Powerful typography


Live demonstration of quotes (depending on the settings of the current demo version)

Incredible text showing the content of the quote


Author photo
Publication date:
Author: Alex Smith
Very detailed and creative description of the author. Very detailed and creative description of the author. Very detailed and creative description of the author. Very detailed and creative description of the author.

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