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bbPress support

bbPress support

We have added additional settings to the visual editor of the bbPress section

  • Disable sidebar on bbPress pages
  • Disable breadcrumbs in bbPress
  • Activate your names for user roles
  • Disable style support for bbPress

bbPress support

Separate sidebar for bbPress

In your bbPress sidebar you can place:

  • Recent topics
  • Search the forum
  • Login form

You can also use any other widgets that are suitable for your bbPress audience. This allows you the flexibility to customize the appropriate widgets for your target audience.

Styles and adaptation for bbPress

All bbPress pages will be displayed in the same site style


Forum page and sidebar

bbPress support


Forum topics starter

bbPress support


Topic list and login form

bbPress support

Author photo
Publication date:
Author: Alex Smith
Very detailed and creative description of the author. Very detailed and creative description of the author. Very detailed and creative description of the author. Very detailed and creative description of the author.

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